Odpoved regate SUN CUP 2020

Spoštovani jadralci in trenerji Regate Sun Cup 2020,

skladno s sklepi Sveta za nacionalno varnost in priporočili Nacionalnega inštituta za javno zdravstvo z dne 09.03.2020 glede potrebnih ukrepov za omejitev širjenja novega koronavirusa se je organizacijski odbor regate Sun Cup 2020 odločil, da bo regato preložil na poznejši termin. O novem datumu se bomo poskušali dogovoriti z Jadralno zvezo Slovenije. Vse načrtovane aktivnosti na regatnem polju konec tega tedna (13. do 15.3.2020) so preklicane.
Opravičujemo se vsem, ki so se odločili sodelovati na naši regati ter vas hkrati prosimo za razumevanje pri težki odločitvi, ki smo jo sprejeli v interesu zaščite zdravja mladih jadralcev in vseh udeležencev regate. Hkrati klube in posameznike, ki so že nakazali prijavnino, prosimo, da nam pošljejo številko bančnega računa za vračilo plačila.

Predsednik jadralnega kluba
Tomaž Virnik

Dear Sailors and Coaches of the Sun Cup 2020 Regatta,

in accordance with the conclusions of the National Security Council and the recommendations of the National Institute of Public Health from 9th March 2020 regarding the necessary measures to limit the spread of the new coronavirus, the Sun Cup 2020 Regatta organizing committee decided to postpone the regatta at a later date. We will try to agree on a new date with the Slovenian Sailing Federation. All planned activities in the race area at the end of this week (13th to 15th March 2020) are canceled.
We apologize to all those who chose to participate in our regatta, and at the same time we ask you for your understanding of the difficult decision we have to made in the interest of protecting the health of young sailors and all participants of the regatta. At the same time, clubs and individuals who have already submitted a registration fee, are asked to send us a bank account number for a refund.

President of the Sailing Club
Tomaž Virnik

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